Original Microsoft OpenSource Windows parts

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Original Microsoft OpenSource Windows parts

Post by theuserbl »

At first
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I think, it would be interesting, to have a central place, to publish all OpenSource Windows parts, which are comming from Microsoft or which Microsoft using in Windows or plan to use in Windows.
The difference to Samba, WINE, ReactOS, MinGW, etc is, that this are parts, which don't plan to be compatible to Windows, they are (parts of) Windows - or will be in the future.

Windows Driver Framework. As OSR said, a part of the Win10 kernel.
https://www.osr.com/blog/2015/03/18/win ... ow-github/

C++ standard library for Visual C++. And in Visual C++ Windows is written

.net including compiler, runtime, WinForms, WPF, etc

And WinForm including the control icons
[ external image ], [ external image ], [ external image ], [ external image ], [ external image ], [ external image ], [ external image ], [ external image ], [ external image ], [ external image ], [ external image ], [ external image ], [ external image ], [ external image ], etc

PowerShell, which replaces Microsofts cmd.exe

The OpenSource Fonts of Microsft

The new Edge is based on the Chromium-engine. And on that engine will be existing a lot of Windows applications, like UWP

Programs, which comes with Windows

Do you know more Original OpenSource Windows-parts?

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Re: Original Microsoft OpenSource Windows parts

Post by Thanatophobia »

The Windows 3.x file manager is open-sourced, too: https://github.com/Microsoft/winfile

Interesting list.
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Re: Original Microsoft OpenSource Windows parts

Post by theuserbl »

@Thanatophobia: Yes you are right. The Win 3.x filemanager of the past is OpenSource, too.

And it seems, that there existing two OpenSource programs, which will be part of the future of Windows. But currently it isn't.

And on GitHub msix-packaging, MSIX-Toolkit, MSIX-PackageSupportFramework, MSIX-Labs and AppConsult-MSIXDevWorkshop

The MSIX will replace the *.msi package formats.
The plan is, to install easily programs and using it. And if you later deinstall it, there will be no rest of it in the registry or on other parts of the computer. But in contrast to the UWP-Apps you can additinal download plugins for the Apps and it will be part of the Apps. If you deinstall them, the PlugIns will be deinstalled, too. Also it will be possible to save configuration settings for the Apps, etc.
And for all, you don't need the Microsoft web store.

2) CLang
There existing some clues, that Microsoft plans to replace Visual C++ (the compiler with which is Windows compiled) with LLVM/CLang.
The clues are And if Microsoft know, that Windows could be a little bit faster and smaller, by simply changing the compiler, who belives, that they would stay on its Visual C++? They already replaces its Trident/EdgeHTML-engine with the chrome-engine. Its only a question of time, when Microsoft replace its Visual C++ with LLVM/CLang.

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Re: Original Microsoft OpenSource Windows parts

Post by Thanatophobia »

b@theuserbl That all seems pretty interesting. I've heard they plan to port Edge to Linux in a Reddit post, but it's not officially confirmed that would be the case and so it remains proprietary. But the possibility of using MSIX can get UWP compatibility more easily.

Alot of other things Microsoft has made has become open sourced. MS-DOS versions 1.25 and 2.0 have been made open sourced as well under an MIT license: https://github.com/microsoft/ms-dos
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Re: Original Microsoft OpenSource Windows parts

Post by PurpleGurl »

I believe this could use a wiki page.
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Re: Original Microsoft OpenSource Windows parts

Post by theuserbl »

Just realized, that ChakraCore was not only the JavaScript Engine of the old Edge browser (that one without Chromium), it is also the newest version of cscript.exe, but it is there called ch.exe and have not so much options.
You can find the binaries at the Release-side. And Microsoft continuous updating it.
Here examples for it.
The simplest "Hello World"-program:

Code: Select all

WScript.Echo("Hello World!");
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Re: Original Microsoft OpenSource Windows parts

Post by irony »

theuserbl wrote: And if Microsoft know, that Windows could be a little bit faster and smaller, by simply changing the compiler, who belives, that they would stay on its Visual C++?
I am wondering, have you actually read the post in the link you showed as a "proof" that clang is better? where actually clang is compared with the modified clang, regarding precompiled headers and impoving C++ compiling time, which is not .....
theuserbl wrote: A lot of people showing benchmarks, that CLang compiles faster, more performant code then Visual C++.
compiling time != more performant code, you ..... you seem to not read even the title or literally have no clue on the topic. or both. the article is on Clang improvement of its precompiled headers (C++ modules) usage and how it improved (or not) clang's C++ compiling time:
it turns out, the problems I mentioned last time had already been more or less solved in Clang. But only for C++ modules, not for precompiled headers. *sigh* I had really mixed feelings when I finally realized that.
the article, where the authour clearly makes a note, that GCC and MSVC are used as a "reference" and not as a "fair comparison":
Note that GCC(v9) and MSVC(v2017) are there more as a reference than a fair comparison. MSVC runs on a different OS and the build may be possibly slightly handicaped by some things taking longer in Cygwin/Windows. GCC comes from its openSUSE package, which AFAICT is built without LTO (unlike the Clang package, where it makes a noticeable difference).
Also, do you really think, the compiler efficiency can be estimated by analyzing the code genereted for snippets like this:

Code: Select all

auto get_hi(std::uint16_t value) -> std::uint8_t {
    std::uint8_t result;
    std::memcpy(&result, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value) + 1, sizeof(result));
    return result;
theuserbl wrote: which lets look the generated code of Visual C++ a lot of more ugly.
expert of the 100500 level, everybody. idiots are the curse for this forum.

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Re: Original Microsoft OpenSource Windows parts

Post by EmuandCo »

You have 6 hours to change the post and remove all curses and name callings. Otherwise I do that for you! We had that discussion more than once by now and I told you next time I make you be quiet. Last time you had friends hoping you would join and help the project. Not sure if that's still the case... ^^


More than 6 hours passed. 4 swearings removed, one sidenote added. I am in good mood today. One week per edit = 4 weeks of temp ban.

No toxic behavior is tolerated in here anymore.
ReactOS is still in alpha stage, meaning it is not feature-complete and is recommended only for evaluation and testing purposes.

If my post/reply offends or insults you, be sure that you know what sarcasm is...
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Re: Original Microsoft OpenSource Windows parts

Post by theuserbl »

Microsoft have now published its Extensible Storage Engine under the MIT-License.
As Phoronix wrote it was "present since Windows NT 3.51 and Microsoft Exchange 4.0". "The Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) is run in Windows client computers since XP through Windows 10, running on Office 365 Mailbox Storage Backend servers, used by Microsoft Exchange, and more. The ESE also plays a role with Active Directory and Windows Search among other use-cases."

More information about the ESE can be found on the Microsoft-Documentations side and on Wikipoedia.
In short: It is used in the desktop search engine of Windows.
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Re: Original Microsoft OpenSource Windows parts

Post by dizt3mp3r »

I'm not sure that ReactOS devs will ever want to incorporate ESE. The first thing I do on any Windows system is to disable Windows search and install 'Everything' from Voidtools that dispenses with the need for the continuous indexing that Windows search performs that slows down Windows and leads to vastly more disc i/o. The 'Everything' tool dispenses with the need to build an index at the o/s level instead using the in built NTFS index on the drive. It is measurably faster and does away with the situation where Windows searches are unable to find a file when the file is sitting staring at your face. Hopefully the Reactos devs can come up with something more efficient but then again I am unsure if there is a need for it in core Reactos at this point in time.
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Re: Original Microsoft OpenSource Windows parts

Post by theuserbl »

ESE is not the search engine itself. The search engine is based on the ESE. And ESE is a database-library.

And have a look at this comment in the phoronix forum. It seems, that is is a often used library.

It is similar to the IE and the trident engine. You could say, that you only used the IE to download Firefox or Chrome. But there are programs of independent developers, which makes use of the trident engine.
I think it is similar with the ESE.

Imagine you are a Windows Desktop Application developer and wants to create a small program. Do you then shipping your programs with an additional independent database or do try to use all, which is already part of Windows to make your install-package more smaller?
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Re: Original Microsoft OpenSource Windows parts

Post by feldrim »

Just to briefly clarify the ESE issue here: ESE is an alternative to SQLite, not Everything of voidtools.
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Re: Original Microsoft OpenSource Windows parts

Post by hbelusca »

feldrim wrote: โ†‘Tue Feb 09, 2021 9:20 pm Just to briefly clarify the ESE issue here: ESE is an alternative to SQLite, not Everything of voidtools.
That doesn't clarify anything. ESE is JET blue, an implementation of the JET api that is superior and differs from the other one found in Microsoft Access.
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