[help] In use ReactOS dll/win32k in Windows

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[help] In use ReactOS dll/win32k in Windows

Post by cosuroca »

First sry me english it's very bad but me need help :)

Do I want to use in an alternative way developed Dll or compiled by ReactOS Windows it has more than enough or in Windows, that is to say that want to use Gdi32.dll renamed in Windows when compiling Gdi32.dll = RosGdi32.dll, but do I have certain problems that I don't understand very well that it is the call of SysCall, somebody had carried out something similar?

Good I believe an exe in VB6.0 and there I call Apis of Dll RosGdi32.dll :


Code: Select all

Declare Function TextOut Lib "Rosgdi32" Alias "TextOutA" (ByVal hDC As Integer, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal nCount As Integer) As Integer

Declare Function SelectObject Lib "rosgdi32" (ByVal hDC As Integer, ByVal hObject As Integer) As Integer

Declare Function BitBlt Lib "Rosgdi32" (ByVal hDestDC As Integer, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal nWidth As Integer, ByVal nHeight As Integer, ByVal hSrcDC As Integer, ByVal xSrc As Integer, ByVal ySrc As Integer, ByVal dwRop As Integer) As Integer
But now some problems that it is exists if I use this call on an environment Windows and my New dll in Windows it doesn't recognize me for SysCall the Id Number.is this I.D correct Number?

[ external image ]

can they help me in this?, this whole run in windows, please they don't ask me because, but it is my whim, thank you


Quiero usar de una manera alternativa las Dll desarrolladas o compiladas por ReactOS sobre Windows o en Windows, es decir, que quiero usar Gdi32.dll renombrada en Windows a la hora de compilar Gdi32.dll = RosGdi32.dll, pero tengo cierto problemas que no entiendo muy bien que es la llamada de SysCall, alguien a realizado algo similar?

Bueno yo creo un exe en VB6.0 y ahi llamo las Apis de la Dll RosGdi32.dll

Pero ahora existe algunos problemas que es si uso esta llamada sobre un entorno Windows y mi New dll en Windows no me reconoce por el SysCall el I.D Number,esto son los I.D Number correctos ?

me pueden ayudar en esto?, todo esta corrido en windows, por favor no me pregunten porque, pero es un capricho mio, gracias
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Post by fennec »


I think that VB is not supported yet by reactos dlls, that may be the source of your problem.
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Post by Mrkaras »

I don't think windows/reactos dlls can be swaped, it may work sometimes but may not work as expected.

I think Gdi32.dll <> RosGdi32.dll (only nearly)
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Post by oiaohm »

Sorry to say cannot do what you are attempt to do simply.

It might work by pure chance on Windows 2003.

Gdi32 is a core part of windows. You cannot even copy this between Microsoft Windows Versions. Syscalls are direct calls to kernel. Just to be creative Microsoft changes the ID number for the system calls around when they change version. No Windows program is ment to call the kernel directly.

Problem you have Reactos Syscalls and your windows Syscalls are not matching.

If there is not a really important reason for doing this it really should not be done either. Due to the fact syscalls in kernel will get out of alignment with what is expected in the kernel. You can only really have one gdi32 dll without risking other major problems.

I have to say you just ran you head into a brick wall of Windows NT design.
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Post by ThePhysicist »

At the moment you cannot use ros gdi32.dll in windows. That is because our win32k syscalls are not compatible with windows ones. gdi32 links to a static lib called win32ksys, wich contains all the syscall stubs. Theoretically you could recompile gdi32.dll with a custom version of this lib, wich has the proper syscall numbers for your windows version + stubs for unsupported syscalls. But atm it would break a lot of functions that use reactos specific syscalls that don't have an equivalent on windows or syscalls that differ in parameters.
We are working on getting it more windows compatible, so in some time it might be possible to test gdi32 (and user32) inside windows. But it will take some time.
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