Code audit method

Voting concerning ReactOS development paths. Read only for non-developers.
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How should the ReactOS code be audited

Poll ended at Fri Mar 03, 2006 1:10 am

Devs must take it upon themselves to audit the code
Code is SVN-locked until it has been audited
Total votes: 13

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Code audit method

Post by Ged »

This vote will decide the method in which code is audited.

The vote proposals can be found here

A quick overview of what svn-lock does can be found in the below quote

The poll will last for 7 days.

Any developer can 'get-a-lock' on a file. Having this lock means only that developer can commit to that file*. A locked file cannot be modified, deleted or renamed in the repository by anyone else.

To set a lock on a file, you lock it as per your client syntax and set the subversion property svn:needs-lock. When this property is set on a file, a checked out or updated file is made read only locally. (except for the person who holds the lock*). This acts as a warning that the file should not be modified. Users of Tortoise will also have a graphical overlay stating a file is locked.

Locks can be removed by any developer in a process called breaking-the-lock. (ownership of the lock can also be taken known as stealing-the-lock, although that's not important for us). The ability to Break the lock ensures that no one developer has control over the lock. Anyone can remove a lock at any time.

Users and developers alike will not notice a lock unless they try to modify locked code, so it would in no way inhibit general usage.

*a user named 'audit' can be set up to do the initial locking of the files
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