Tmax Window, windows compatible proprietary OS from Korea
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Tmax Window, windows compatible proprietary OS from Korea
Forgive my poor English.
There is Tmax Window, the 1st windows XP compatible proprietary OS from Korea.
Tmax company showed screenshot of Tmax Windows.
But it is known as they mixed images with real XP and OpenOffice suite screenshots.
Tmax Window is doubtful about stolen ReactOS source code:
This is a post of a tmax developer.
' 개발 초기부터 windwos 호환을 생각지도 않고 만들다가 3달 남기고 덕지덕지 붙이고 있는 상황입니다. 그것도 react OS project에 많이 참조하고 있고요. (게다가 react OS는 GPL입니다)'
to English:
In the beginning of development, windows compatiblity is not needed, but 3 months before beta release, patching is being continued. in addition to, Reactos OS project is reference(moreover reactos OS is GPLed)
Tmax changed to a new screenshot and told newspapers not to use old images.
This is new screenshots:
I think that Tmax window must be GPL violance.
The beta release date is July 7th 2009.
There is Tmax Window, the 1st windows XP compatible proprietary OS from Korea.
Tmax company showed screenshot of Tmax Windows.
But it is known as they mixed images with real XP and OpenOffice suite screenshots.
Tmax Window is doubtful about stolen ReactOS source code:
This is a post of a tmax developer.
' 개발 초기부터 windwos 호환을 생각지도 않고 만들다가 3달 남기고 덕지덕지 붙이고 있는 상황입니다. 그것도 react OS project에 많이 참조하고 있고요. (게다가 react OS는 GPL입니다)'
to English:
In the beginning of development, windows compatiblity is not needed, but 3 months before beta release, patching is being continued. in addition to, Reactos OS project is reference(moreover reactos OS is GPLed)
Tmax changed to a new screenshot and told newspapers not to use old images.
This is new screenshots:
I think that Tmax window must be GPL violance.
The beta release date is July 7th 2009.
Re: Tmax Window, windows compatible proprietary OS from Korea
We should track this carefully. Any Korean around?
If they are selling this product using GPL without sending the changes to us is a clear violation of GPL.
My lack of Korean (and the really poor Google translation) dont let me understand more about it.
If they are selling this product using GPL without sending the changes to us is a clear violation of GPL.
My lack of Korean (and the really poor Google translation) dont let me understand more about it.
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Re: Tmax Window, windows compatible proprietary OS from Korea
AFAIK, this isn't new. They've been around and effectively do something similar to the Linux Unified Kernel project. See
Last edited by Lone_Rifle on Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tmax Window, windows compatible proprietary OS from Korea
저 티맥스 OS 만드는 개발자인데요.
I am a Tmax OS developer.
솔직히 저희 OS 별 거 없습니다.
Frankly, out OS is not so cool.
기본적으로 커널은 POSIX 표준을 지원하는 unix-like 시스템이고요. (새로 만들었다고는 하지
만 BSD와 linux 소스를 많이 참조한 것으로 알고 있습니다) 각종 kernel module이나 driver도
linux나 BSD open source driver을 porting한 것입니다. Windows manager로서는 X server를
사용하지 않고 자체 개발한 windows manager를 사용하고요.
Basically kernel is POSIX standard unix-like system(newly made, but BSD and linux
source is kwown as referenced)
kernel module and driver is ported from linux and BSD open source. Windows manager is
not using X server, but that we made.
문제는 windows binary driver 호환인데요. 출시 2-3달 전에 갑자기 windows binary driver를
호환하라는 지시가 떨어져서 개고생하고 있습니다.
Problem is windows binary driver compatiblity, before release 2~3 months, order to be
compatible with windows binary driver, we are suffering as dogs.
이게 어떻게 된 거냐면, 개발 초기에는 linux driver를 사용하고 GDI 같은 API들만 호환한다
고 계획을 잡았습니다.
This it that, in the beginning of development, we outlined to use linux driver and be
compatible APIs like GDI.
그런데, 출시 3달인가 놔두고 박대연 교수가 windows binay driver를 호환하라는 지시가 내려
져서 지금 windows kernel API까지 전부 호환시키느라 고생하고 있습니다.
But before 3 months before release, Proffessor Daeyon Park(the CEO of Tmax) ordered be
compatible with windows binary driver, so we are making windows kernel API be
저 도 windows 호환을 중요하게 생각하지만, 어떻게 출시 3달 남기고 그렇게 밀어 붙일 수 있
는지, 참 황당하네요. 개발 초기부터 windwos 호환을 생각지도 않고 만들다가 3달 남기고 덕
지덕지 붙이고 있는 상황입니다. 그것도 react OS project에 많이 참조하고 있고요. (게다가
react OS는 GPL입니다)
I think windows compatiblity is important. But how can it be possible in 3 months. it's
absurd. In the beginning of development, windows compatiblity is not needed, but 3 months before beta release, patching is being continued. in addition to, Reactos OS project is reference(moreover reactos OS is GPLed)
제가 생각하는 문제는 핵심 멤버들이 OS에 대한 철학이 없다는데 있습니다.
the matter what I think is core member does not have philosophy of OS.
박대연 교수는 비지니스 마인드나 기술 마인드 모두 훌륭합니다. 하지만 그것을 수행하고 관
리해야 하는 매니져들이 그런 생각이 없어요.
Proffessor Park has good business mind and technology mind. But managers who execute and manage don't have it.
OS를 개발하는데 있어서 windows 호환 같은 거는 가장 처음부터 염두에 두고 계획을 세워야
맞는 것 아닙니까?
When Making OS, windows compatiblity is planned at first.
지금 상황은 MAC 같은 UI에, linux 같은 범용성에, windows 같은 호환성까지 모두 갖춘 완벽
한 OS를 만들고 있는 상황입니다.
Now we are making perfect OS which has MAC-like UI, linux-like ordinarity, windows-like compatiblity OS.
게다가 주요 코더들은 석사 병특으로 들어온 20대 연구원이고요. 급하게 경력직으로 들어온
분들은 몇달 안하고 그만 두시더라고요. 병특 1년 반 채운 친구들도 다른 회사로 옮기는 분위
Moreover main coders is twenties aged Master of Science researchers as military service.
researchers who came in urgently quits in a few months.
Who finishes military service of 1 year and 6months, moved to other companys.
I am a Tmax OS developer.
솔직히 저희 OS 별 거 없습니다.
Frankly, out OS is not so cool.
기본적으로 커널은 POSIX 표준을 지원하는 unix-like 시스템이고요. (새로 만들었다고는 하지
만 BSD와 linux 소스를 많이 참조한 것으로 알고 있습니다) 각종 kernel module이나 driver도
linux나 BSD open source driver을 porting한 것입니다. Windows manager로서는 X server를
사용하지 않고 자체 개발한 windows manager를 사용하고요.
Basically kernel is POSIX standard unix-like system(newly made, but BSD and linux
source is kwown as referenced)
kernel module and driver is ported from linux and BSD open source. Windows manager is
not using X server, but that we made.
문제는 windows binary driver 호환인데요. 출시 2-3달 전에 갑자기 windows binary driver를
호환하라는 지시가 떨어져서 개고생하고 있습니다.
Problem is windows binary driver compatiblity, before release 2~3 months, order to be
compatible with windows binary driver, we are suffering as dogs.
이게 어떻게 된 거냐면, 개발 초기에는 linux driver를 사용하고 GDI 같은 API들만 호환한다
고 계획을 잡았습니다.
This it that, in the beginning of development, we outlined to use linux driver and be
compatible APIs like GDI.
그런데, 출시 3달인가 놔두고 박대연 교수가 windows binay driver를 호환하라는 지시가 내려
져서 지금 windows kernel API까지 전부 호환시키느라 고생하고 있습니다.
But before 3 months before release, Proffessor Daeyon Park(the CEO of Tmax) ordered be
compatible with windows binary driver, so we are making windows kernel API be
저 도 windows 호환을 중요하게 생각하지만, 어떻게 출시 3달 남기고 그렇게 밀어 붙일 수 있
는지, 참 황당하네요. 개발 초기부터 windwos 호환을 생각지도 않고 만들다가 3달 남기고 덕
지덕지 붙이고 있는 상황입니다. 그것도 react OS project에 많이 참조하고 있고요. (게다가
react OS는 GPL입니다)
I think windows compatiblity is important. But how can it be possible in 3 months. it's
absurd. In the beginning of development, windows compatiblity is not needed, but 3 months before beta release, patching is being continued. in addition to, Reactos OS project is reference(moreover reactos OS is GPLed)
제가 생각하는 문제는 핵심 멤버들이 OS에 대한 철학이 없다는데 있습니다.
the matter what I think is core member does not have philosophy of OS.
박대연 교수는 비지니스 마인드나 기술 마인드 모두 훌륭합니다. 하지만 그것을 수행하고 관
리해야 하는 매니져들이 그런 생각이 없어요.
Proffessor Park has good business mind and technology mind. But managers who execute and manage don't have it.
OS를 개발하는데 있어서 windows 호환 같은 거는 가장 처음부터 염두에 두고 계획을 세워야
맞는 것 아닙니까?
When Making OS, windows compatiblity is planned at first.
지금 상황은 MAC 같은 UI에, linux 같은 범용성에, windows 같은 호환성까지 모두 갖춘 완벽
한 OS를 만들고 있는 상황입니다.
Now we are making perfect OS which has MAC-like UI, linux-like ordinarity, windows-like compatiblity OS.
게다가 주요 코더들은 석사 병특으로 들어온 20대 연구원이고요. 급하게 경력직으로 들어온
분들은 몇달 안하고 그만 두시더라고요. 병특 1년 반 채운 친구들도 다른 회사로 옮기는 분위
Moreover main coders is twenties aged Master of Science researchers as military service.
researchers who came in urgently quits in a few months.
Who finishes military service of 1 year and 6months, moved to other companys.
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Re: Tmax Window, windows compatible proprietary OS from Korea
Going by the translation, it seems that the company is indeed violating GPL regulations from not just ROS, but other projects as well. Frankly, if somebody hopes to achieve Windows display driver compatibility in a matter of months, I think the project can be safely ignored. Why anybody would want to accept drivers from both Linux and Windows instead of just one of the OSes is beyond me.
Last edited by Lone_Rifle on Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Tmax Window, windows compatible proprietary OS from Korea
They if they are using GPL code as he states(BSD,Linux,and ReactOS) they have to send their feedbacks to us. They can make profit but they have to hang the GPL code otherwise they are violating GPL.
Is there a TMAx GPL repository?
Is there a TMAx GPL repository?
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Re: Tmax Window, windows compatible proprietary OS from Korea
The problem is the source of this post is not known and clear.
I don't know where it exactly came from, sorry.
But mood of Korean linux communities against Tmax window is not friendly.
Proffesor Park commented that the first buyer of Tmax window should be MyungBak Lee, the president of Korea. -_-;;;
I don't know where it exactly came from, sorry.
But mood of Korean linux communities against Tmax window is not friendly.
Proffesor Park commented that the first buyer of Tmax window should be MyungBak Lee, the president of Korea. -_-;;;
Re: Tmax Window, windows compatible proprietary OS from Korea
I wrote the article,
I'm sorry it's written only in Korean.
The point of that article and similar articles is there are too many issues about Tmax window. Tmax window looks like Windows XP, Tmax Proword, Procel, and Propoint have same interface with, and Tmax Promail looks like Thunderbird. Furthermore, the screenshots of the Tmax window and others are dirty files. They are modified with Adobe photoshop CS4.
We don't know Tmax window really exists or not before July 7.
But I and my people guess from the screenshots, there's no new OS. Tmax window is just a fake.
So I think it wil be better to watch at the all of happening, but don't do anything before Jluy 7. We don't have any clue.
Thank you.
I wrote the article,
I'm sorry it's written only in Korean.
The point of that article and similar articles is there are too many issues about Tmax window. Tmax window looks like Windows XP, Tmax Proword, Procel, and Propoint have same interface with, and Tmax Promail looks like Thunderbird. Furthermore, the screenshots of the Tmax window and others are dirty files. They are modified with Adobe photoshop CS4.
We don't know Tmax window really exists or not before July 7.
But I and my people guess from the screenshots, there's no new OS. Tmax window is just a fake.
So I think it wil be better to watch at the all of happening, but don't do anything before Jluy 7. We don't have any clue.
Thank you.
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Tue Jun 30, 2009 2:27 pm
Re: Tmax Window, windows compatible proprietary OS from Korea
No, they don't have any GPL repository.
Those are just closed source.
They are making commercial proprietary OS.
Those are just closed source.
They are making commercial proprietary OS.
Re: Tmax Window, windows compatible proprietary OS from Korea
From the translation and screenshots, it seem they're trying to make an OS based on combination Darwin and Wine engine. Basically, toward a Linux based system but capable running Windows binaries. They did mentioned Linux' drivers and their own windowing manager. Also mentioned ReactOS being used as reference to deal with windows binary compatibility that was haunted them. And the developer has leave the project.
Based from the screenshot, it has very stable GUI engine and using FAT like file-system. It's remind me MiniGUI which is a cross-platform Win32 alike GUI system.
Based from the screenshot, it has very stable GUI engine and using FAT like file-system. It's remind me MiniGUI which is a cross-platform Win32 alike GUI system.
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Re: Tmax Window, windows compatible proprietary OS from Korea
another blog that reveals new screenshots still have faults.
I've heard Tmax Window has BSD Kernel in it.
Total time of development is about 3~4 years with about 350 developers.
Beta release is postponed to July 7 from March.
Beta release is not meant as we can try it.
I think Alpha release is more correct expression.
another blog that reveals new screenshots still have faults.
I've heard Tmax Window has BSD Kernel in it.
Total time of development is about 3~4 years with about 350 developers.
Beta release is postponed to July 7 from March.
Beta release is not meant as we can try it.
I think Alpha release is more correct expression.
Re: Tmax Window, windows compatible proprietary OS from Korea
Thanks for the Info, we will be stay tunned.It´s pretty easy to recognize ReactOS bugs,or ReactOS odd behaviors, and our Devs would recognize even the way the Memory is managed , so we will be stay tunned for 7th July. If this is violating GPL then Linux+ReactOS+BSD(or the GPL projects involved) would take care about it,thanks to their Foundations(I hope).Mr.Dust wrote:Hello.
I wrote the article,
I'm sorry it's written only in Korean.
The point of that article and similar articles is there are too many issues about Tmax window. Tmax window looks like Windows XP, Tmax Proword, Procel, and Propoint have same interface with, and Tmax Promail looks like Thunderbird. Furthermore, the screenshots of the Tmax window and others are dirty files. They are modified with Adobe photoshop CS4.
We don't know Tmax window really exists or not before July 7.
But I and my people guess from the screenshots, there's no new OS. Tmax window is just a fake.
So I think it wil be better to watch at the all of happening, but don't do anything before Jluy 7. We don't have any clue.
Thank you.
Re: Tmax Window, windows compatible proprietary OS from Korea
From what i see, they are using our code as a reference. Nothing in GPL can stop it from doing so. As their base is obviously UNIX, there is a little use of ROS code copypasta. They want to be able to load windows applications? Its more of WINE problem. I also seriously doubt they are gonna be able to use Windows binary drivers sooner than LUK, that is still somewhat far from that...
How is that OS licensed?
How is that OS licensed?
Re: Tmax Window, windows compatible proprietary OS from Korea
Here an english article in cnet which is has more clear picture about the Tmax Window: ... d=63011501
And a video presentation about Tmax Core at msn video: ... 1c88ecc324
The video in korean. If anyone could give a summary about the guy's speech in the video, it may give us a little insight about the OS architecture. From the article and the video, it seem there was much has been going on since they also developed their own office suite, web browser and other applications that sufficient for desktop OS and server.
With that kind of progress, they could easily make money by selling it to motherboard makers and distribute the OS in the Bios ROM. ... d=63011501
And a video presentation about Tmax Core at msn video: ... 1c88ecc324
The video in korean. If anyone could give a summary about the guy's speech in the video, it may give us a little insight about the OS architecture. From the article and the video, it seem there was much has been going on since they also developed their own office suite, web browser and other applications that sufficient for desktop OS and server.
With that kind of progress, they could easily make money by selling it to motherboard makers and distribute the OS in the Bios ROM.
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Re: Tmax Window, windows compatible proprietary OS from Korea
I writed an article about TmaxOS at Off Topic Forum long long time ago(before PHPBB3)
I'm still keeping eye on them.
btw, Do you still remember manatails?
nowadays I'm very busy studying, so I can't visit forums often. But don't forget me!
and I'm Korean, so if you need any translations about Tmax windows, You can ask me;)
I'm still keeping eye on them.
btw, Do you still remember manatails?
nowadays I'm very busy studying, so I can't visit forums often. But don't forget me!
and I'm Korean, so if you need any translations about Tmax windows, You can ask me;)
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