Aspects of Vista/7/8/10 (and sometimes 5.2) that should NOT be ported to React

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Re: Aspects of Vista/7/8/10 that should NOT be ported to React

Post by dizt3mp3r »

I consider you a forthcoming troll emerging to the world, welcome!
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Re: Aspects of Vista/7/8/10 that should NOT be ported to React

Post by Forever Winter »

Wow, the guy that permanently stalks other posters for minor grammer errors calls me a troll. Listen, braindead little bastard. If you are unable to tolerate criticism on your nonsense posts, than do not vomit your garbage in a public forum. Gosh, I tried to apologize and you scumbag have nothing better to do than attacking again? Fuck off, worthless piece of subhuman shit.
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Re: Aspects of Vista/7/8/10 that should NOT be ported to React

Post by oldman »

Can we have some respect for the code of conduct and for each other.
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Re: Aspects of Vista/7/8/10 that should NOT be ported to React

Post by EmuandCo »

Looks like I really have to start to read ANY new post again... @dizt3mp3r this time it's you I kindly ask to hold your horses. I already gave some holidays to ppl for less provocative behavior and even when ppl already accuse me to work hand in hand with you, rules are for anyone here, including me and you. So I don't wanna see any more trolling accusations without any reason. And no, bad grammar is NO reason! If you suspect a troll, don't feed it and report the post. We will handle it with good ol' banhammer if we agree with the report. Back to topic, civil and peaceful I hope....
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Re: Aspects of Vista/7/8/10 that should NOT be ported to React

Post by dizt3mp3r »

Apologies - public apologies. I get frustrated when people state one's knowledge is rubbish.
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Re: Aspects of Vista/7/8/10 that should NOT be ported to React

Post by EmuandCo »

We all cool down now. This is no who shouts loudest contest here. Just try to support each other and the project of course
ReactOS is still in alpha stage, meaning it is not feature-complete and is recommended only for evaluation and testing purposes.

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Re: Aspects of Vista/7/8/10 that should NOT be ported to React

Post by Forever Winter »



/me wins the shouting contest.
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Re: Aspects of Vista/7/8/10 that should NOT be ported to React

Post by wdstudios »

PurpleGurl wrote: Thu Sep 27, 2018 8:58 pm That's okay.
Hahaha I love the fact that you just copied and pasted parts of my post to the Wiki. However, the wording changes that were made to the "sort by..." section made it less clear.
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Re: Aspects of Vista/7/8/10 that should NOT be ported to React

Post by PurpleGurl »

But that didn't stop you from editing things. And I actually focused on different aspects.
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Re: Aspects of Vista/7/8/10 that should NOT be ported to React

Post by dizt3mp3r »

Purple, can you do me a favour please?

Can you add this to your "How ReactOS Can Do Better Than Vista+" page, it is captcha hell for me at the moment...

*Increased granularity to UAC. On Win 10 this security tool provides a slide bar that alters the level of security rather arbitrarily. When this sort of security restriction eventually makes its way into ReactOS, it might be far better to have a listed series of security restrictions that can be enabled at will (using a series of checkboxes) allowing the user to customise the security on a per-user level but with far greater control than is currently offered.
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Re: Aspects of Vista/7/8/10 that should NOT be ported to React

Post by PurpleGurl »

Okay, I added it to the one I started, but I modified it since the opening premise is in the negative. You might want it added to the one Karl started, and I can do that if you want.
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Re: Aspects of Vista/7/8/10 that should NOT be ported to React

Post by wdstudios »

Here's something that, ironically, both Windows XP 32-bit and Windows 8.1 got right, but XP x64 got wrong:

As previously mentioned, under 32-bit XP, "Open With..." remembers every program that can be used to open any file type, so opening a particular file with whatever program you want is never more than 2 clicks away. Under Win 8.1 (and God knows what other versions, can people check this?), the default program that opens files of a particular type can be set to any program, even if that program cannot be added to the "Open With..." menu. For example, on my Win 8.1 partition, Virtualdub is set as the default program for opening .AVS files and DGIndex is set as the default program for opening .D2V files, even though neither program can be added to the "Open With..." menu for any kind of file. This functionality is not allowed under XP x64, where my best option is to use an obscure function within "Folder Options" to force file type associations so that things like "Open with Virtualdub" or "Edit with Notepad" appear on the main menu when I right-click on a file.

These file-opening options can also be given custom names in XP x64. As an example, when I right-click on an AVS file while working in my XP x64 partition, one option on the menu is named "I am the great Bunghole Cornholio!", which, when selected, opens that file in Notepad. This function seems to be missing from Windows 8.1, or at the very least, it has been moved somewhere else. As usual, this isn't an issue in 32-bit XP, where you can just do whatever you want.
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Re: Aspects of Vista/7/8/10 that should NOT be ported to React

Post by Quim »

From ... e-moderno/ there are other things that complain about Windows Vista/7/8/10 end of support of some good things in Windows XP, that ReactOS should not also discontinued like Windows Vista + :

From Google Translate:
Why would you want to use Windows XP
The reasons for using Windows XP are many, then I mention ours:

* Be able to use Joysticks with port gameport
* Full Force Feedback support through the native MIDI interface
* Full support of Sidewinder Force Feedback Pro (the best joystick in existence)
* Play old video games through GoG
* Native EAX support in all old games
* Support for old sound cards such as Gravis Ultrasound, Ultra, PnP, AWE32
* Joysticks and Hardware-accelerated Audio

One of the greatest pieces of revolutionary technology of that era was the creation of Force Feedback and Microsoft was for the most part one of those responsible for having manufactured a joystick that is still considered one of the best in existence. The problem with the current Force Feedback is that it represents a shadow of what it was at that moment. The force feedback that all the joysticks implemented through the known and abandoned gameport had native directional feedback support, because the interface used the same MIDI port included in the gameport to transmit direction commands disguised as a MIDI code that the joystick then interpreted through its logic and motors, it is necessary to say that directional feedback is one of the most fascinating technologies of that time and there are many games that implemented it as the Flight Simulator, almost all the flight simulators of that time, Freespace 1 and 2 and even the Open Freespace that continue to work exquisitely in Windows XP.

What we currently have as Force Feedback is just the rumble effect that we saw in the gamepads of Xbox360, Ps4 and Xbox One, it is merely a vibration that no longer represents what we could get with the gameport. Unfortunately there is no way to emulate it, for several reasons: we no longer have the MIDI interface included in USB devices and there is no way to transmit that information to the logic of one of these old joysticks, that's why all adapters from Gameport to USB automatically Override the Force Feedback functionality.

Another thing that we lose with the current technology is the true EAX that came from a native hardware acceleration in Windows XP, which happened to be via software in Windows Vista.

Unfortunately, none of those things is possible in any version after Windows XP 32bits since the gameport port does not have a 64bit driver and was not ported properly to Windows 7, therefore, even if you manage to run the gameport in Windows Vista or 7 or any version of 32bits or later, you will lose the Force Feedback.

The same goes for the audio, games that natively implemented EAX until version 5 will pass to a mere EAX1 if they use OpenAL through a wrapper or the Creative application to recover EAX that does a very poor job in emulating what could be Experiment when we had EAX by hardware.
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Re: Aspects of Vista/7/8/10 that should NOT be ported to React

Post by dizt3mp3r »

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Re: Aspects of Vista/7/8/10 that should NOT be ported to React

Post by PurpleGurl »

I doubt we can do all that once we reach an NT 6 target with the audio drivers.
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