Alpha Testing

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Alpha Testing

Post by Zutokaza »


I am testing all my favorite Windows 7 software on React OS. I will be Testing one Program a day. Normally I am a Linux user and have lots of experience with Wine. My work is making Video Games and I want ReactOS to succeed. I am testing in Linux Ubuntu using Oracle Virtualbox. I will constantly be updating this post. Please feel free to move this to any section you wish admin.

Closed - I am done testing. At least for the Alpha 4 React OS.

Version Tested:
Alpha 4.0

ReactOS needs support. If no one tests applications on ReactOS, then how are they suppose to fix them or update with working applications?

I give ReactOS a 7/10. It has 2D Game development capabilities and 2D Digital art creation, but not audio creation as far as I know. It will get a 8/10 when it has better 3D support, 9/10 when it supports audio creation, and 10/10 when it is fully compatible with all windows programs. It probably will need to get some version of LMMS working for audio creation or other software, but I am hoping to find alternatives for ReactOS. It is an alpha OS, but it can already do so much.

Test 1: - Encfs4Win
Sunday March 27th, 2016

Today I tested the free Encfs4Win program and it worked. That means ReactOS supports the popular Encfs encryption as I can see.

I installed the Dokan 6 Library, extracted the archive with peazip, and activated the Encfs4Win GUI.
[ external image ]

That means the ReactOS Team should update the download Manager.

Library: Dokan 6

Encryption Program:
Test 2: - Solarus ARPG Game Engine v1.4.5
Sunday March 27th, 2016

Today in Game Time I tested the Game Engine Solarus ARPG v1.4.5 and it works!

[ external image ]

Solarus Website:

Solarus Windows Repo:

v1.4.5 is the stable release
Test 3: - Piskel v0.6.0
Sunday March 28th, 2016

Today I tested the pixel art making program Piskel and it worked. Do not mind the creepy smiley face I drew in the preview. This means you have basic paint options, transparency, and layers!

[ external image ]

The downloads are available here or the offline version.

Here is the Piskel website.

Test 4: - OHRRPGCE 2D Game Engine 2013 version
Sunday March 29th, 2016

OHRPGCE works in ReactOS as far as I tested. Map painting, etc.

[ external image ]


Test 4: - Text2Folder
Sunday March 29th, 2016

Today I tested the program Text2Folder. It works, but there is a window resize bug.

[ external image ]

Download: ... 73257.html

Test 5: - Axcrypt v1.7.3156.0 Full Setup w/OpenCandy
Sunday March 29th, 2016

Axcrypt encryption software works on ReactOS, but the protable Axcrypt2Go version does not work.

[ external image ]


Test 6: - FreeArc Archiver v0.666
Sunday March 29th, 2016

Today I tested Freearc. It is an archiver that allows many more encryption options like serpent, twofish, keyfile, or a combination similar to veracrypt or truecrypt, but without having to create a container.

[ external image ]


Test 7: - DupeGuru Duplicate finder
Sunday March 29th, 2016

On this day I test DupeGuru which is a program that finds duplicate files on your OS.

[ external image ]


v3.8.0 for Windows XP (32bit)

Test 8: - Sfpack
Sunday March 29th, 2016

Sfpack compresses soundfonts(sf2 files). Sounds fonts are digital/virtual instruments.

[ external image ]

[ external image ]


Test 9: - SearchMonkey v2.0.0
Sunday March 29th, 2016

SearchMonkey is a program that well....searches for files of course! Not for monkeys. It works on reactOS.

[ external image ]


Test 10: - RocketDock Version 1.3.5
Sunday March 29th, 2016

RocketDock is a place to put your shortcuts so they don't make your desktop messy. This program works for the most part, but it has trouble graphically. It seems the graphics don't update or display properly, but it works.

[ external image ]


Test 11: - Sai Paint Tool v1.1.0
Sunday March 29th, 2016

[ external image ]

[ external image ]

[ external image ]

Download: ... ol_sai.cfm
Last edited by Zutokaza on Thu Mar 31, 2016 10:57 pm, edited 28 times in total.
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Re: Alpha Testing

Post by sdever »


If you want to propose to add new apps to rapps (and post reports and debuglogs of applications that have bugs/drawing problems & co), I suggest you to create an issue into JIRA ( ). You should be able to log in with your ReactOS/forum account ;)
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Re: Alpha Testing

Post by Zutokaza »

What is working reports?

Day 1 -Encf4Win and Dokan 6

Day 1 Game Time - Solarus ARPG Game Engine v1.4.5

Day 2 - Piskel v0.6.0

Day 3 - OHRRPGCE Game Engine 2013 version

Day 3 - Axcrypt v1.7.3156.0 Full Setup w/OpenCandy

Day 3 - FreeArc 0.666

Day 3 - DupeGuru Duplicate file finder v3.8.0 for Windows XP (32bit)

Day 3 - Sfpack

Day 3 - SearchMonkey v2.0.0

Day 4 - Sai Paint Tool v1.1.0
-It seems they do not want me to report working applications to the Jira Project.

What is working, but with slight bugs reports?

Day 3 - Text2Folder

Day 3 - RocketDock Version 1.3.5

Bug Reports:

Day 1 - Tox messenger

Day 3 - Older Tox messenger

Day 3 - Axcrypt2Go portable version of Axcrypt 1.7

Day4 - Construct free and paid editions.

Day4 - Sculptris Alpha 6

Day4 - Blender 2.75a

Day 4 - FontForge

Day 4 - FreeMake Software

Day4 - Gimp 2.8

Day4 - KeePassX

Day4 - LMMS

Day4 - Pngyu

Day4 - Sfark

Day4 - Sfpack ReactOS theme font error

Day4 - XiphORG Bug Load C Library Incorrectly
Last edited by Zutokaza on Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:41 pm, edited 30 times in total.
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Re: Alpha Testing

Post by hbelusca »

Zutokaza wrote:Hello,
I am testing all my favorite Windows 7 software on React OS. I will be Testing one Program a day. Normally I am a Linux user and have lots of experience with Wine. My work is making Video Games and I want ReactOS to succeed. I am testing in Linux Ubuntu using Oracle Virtualbox. I will constantly be updating this post. Please feel free to move this to any section you wish admin.
Hi! Nice to see some programs working! Please keep in mind that, because ReactOS targets Windows 2003 compatibility, that some Windows 7 software might not work, when those either use special Win7 APIs, or are compiled to run on Vista+ (for the latter case, you can recognize such programs when ReactOS shows the error message "ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT - <the_app.exe> is not a valid Win32 application.")
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Re: Alpha Testing

Post by Zutokaza »

hbelusca wrote: Hi! Nice to see some programs working! Please keep in mind that, because ReactOS targets Windows 2003 compatibility, that some Windows 7 software might not work, when those either use special Win7 APIs, or are compiled to run on Vista+ (for the latter case, you can recognize such programs when ReactOS shows the error message "ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT - <the_app.exe> is not a valid Win32 application.")
Much of the programs I test work on XP and older windows OS like ME. I am going to try another Beta version of Tox messenger that is "no longer available online" and that one has a higher chance of working. That way ReactOS can have a Secure encrypted SKYPE. I hope it works. Tox has got weird with comparability now. Especially, with all the different Linux release versions. I am pretty much just going to try all of my Favorite programs because some of the error outputs might fix real issues and the programs will benefit creators. I am not trying to get anything to work. Although, I have got a more advanced paint to work on ReactOS. Layers, etc.

I have over 30 more of my favorite programs to test. :D

I just wanted to say.....feel free to let me know of software that needs to be tested on ReactOS as long as the software is free or a trial version. I like doing bulk testing. Quite a bit of the software I tested today worked, some worked with slight errors, but still work, and others did not work. I will submit the results soon.


They seem to not want me to report working applications.
Last edited by Zutokaza on Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Alpha Testing

Post by Zutokaza »

Software Testing

Software tested: - I posted the software that works above...not in this list.
-Dokan Library 6.0
-DokanY Library
-Solarus ARPG
-Tox messenger
-Freemake software
-Ranjhasoft Iconchanger
-Older tox version
-Advanced Renamer
-Sai Paint Tool

Software I am going to test for the next ReactOS version: ... anager.htm ... -explorer/ ... explorers/ ... hat-client

And of course I need to infect myself to test them. <>
Last edited by Zutokaza on Sat Apr 09, 2016 11:22 pm, edited 20 times in total.
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Re: Alpha Testing

Post by fennec »

I'm impressed that volume encryption works.

That's great work!
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Re: Alpha Testing

Post by liryna »

Hello Zutokaza,

I am one of the maintainer of Dokan Library (Now hosted here:

I am really impressed that it work on reactOS, I always wanted to make to make the test !

Do you think you would have the possibility to test the new release with the sample mirror ?
Mirror test: ... %20example

Really appreciate your work !
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Re: Alpha Testing

Post by Zutokaza »

liryna wrote:Hello Zutokaza,

I am one of the maintainer of Dokan Library (Now hosted here:

I am really impressed that it work on reactOS, I always wanted to make to make the test !

Do you think you would have the possibility to test the new release with the sample mirror ?
Mirror test: ... %20example

Really appreciate your work !
I would be happy to test DokanY with Encfs4Win in the morning, but I am not sure of the compatibility with encfs4win. I heard that DokanY is the best fork of the Dokan 6.0. There were issues with DokanX and no releases the last I checked besides having to build it.
Last edited by Zutokaza on Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Alpha Testing

Post by Zutokaza »

fennec wrote:I'm impressed that volume encryption works.

That's great work!
ReactOS has come a long way since the last version. I hope ReactOS supports Veracrypt in the future and of course all the other software I tested.
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Re: Alpha Testing

Post by liryna »

You can find an updated version of encfs4win compatible with Dokany.
(I have not tested it myself)
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Re: Alpha Testing

Post by Zutokaza »

liryna wrote:You can find an updated version of encfs4win compatible with Dokany.
(I have not tested it myself)
It seems that ReactOS is not ready yet for the DokanY library. It would not install.

Note: My free time is up, so I will test again on the next ReactOS version.
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