Hardware Compatibility Database

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Hardware Compatibility Database

Post by waraqa »

Hi everyone,

I’d like to propose the creation of a Hardware Compatibility Database for ReactOS. This database would serve as a centralized, structured, and up-to-date resource for tracking hardware compatibility with ReactOS. Unlike the current supported hardware list on the Wiki, which is outdated and difficult to update, this new database would aim to be dynamic, user-friendly, and a valuable tool for both users and developers.

Overview of the Database
The database would include every hardware component or system that has been tested with ReactOS, regardless of whether it worked or not. Users and contributors could submit their test results, ensuring the database grows organically over time.

Proposed Fields for Each Entry:

1. Device/System Information:
- Manufacturer
- Model Name/Number
- Category (e.g., CPU, GPU, Motherboard, Network Adapter, etc.)

2. Status of Compatibility:
- Working: Fully functional out of the box.
- Working with Driver: Functional after installing specific drivers.
- Not Working: Does not function with ReactOS.

3. Driver Details (if applicable):
- Driver Name and Version
- Source of the Driver (e.g., bundled, third-party website, etc.)

4. Test Environment:
- ReactOS Version

5. Additional Notes:
- Any additional information, such as partial functionality or known workarounds.

Benefits of a Hardware Compatibility Database

1. Improved User Experience:
Users can easily check whether their hardware is supported, making it easier to decide if they should try ReactOS on their system.

2. Encouraging Contributions:
By providing a structured platform for submitting hardware test results, this database can attract more contributors who may not be developers but are enthusiastic about testing ReactOS.

3. Faster Development:
Developers can use the database to prioritize work on unsupported hardware, identify common issues, and improve driver support.

4. Community Engagement:
A well-maintained database is more attractive and rewarding for contributors than an outdated and static wiki list.

Technical Implementation Suggestions

- The database could be built as a web application with a user-friendly interface.
- Contributors could submit data through an online form, with entries subject to review by moderators to ensure quality.
- A search and filter system could make it easy to navigate the database by device type, manufacturer, or compatibility status.
- In the future, we can make an app that users can download and it will automatically check the components of the system and produce a report of compatibility status according to the database.
- Another app can be run inside ReactOS and users can submit their tests easily.

I see a lot of potential for this idea. My question is: What additional fields could be included in the database that would aid in development and testing?
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Nov 25, 2024 10:28 pm

Re: Hardware Compatibility Database

Post by waraqa »

I'm currently trying to design the database following the wiki page schema. Sometimes I find inconsistency between different tables and some missing details. I try to make it as complete as possible by adding more columns. I need your help in the following issue:

Every table has a Status column with 1 out of 4 possible statuses:
  • Works: Works without any major problems
  • Not tested: No test has been performed
  • Failed: Fails to work or crashes ReactOS
  • Run w/o result: Run without fundamental functionality
This is applicable to most pages except PC ROS Rigs page which doesn't follow these 4 statuses. Instead, It has only (Working/Not Working) statuses which supposedly means it can boot or not. However many entries just write Boot CD or Live CD or only the revision number which is confusing.
I think the full systems table should have more details about what type of booting was tested since the ability to boot is the most important aspect of using the hardware. Actually, I'm not an expert in different situations that could happen with any PC, I need your help to make different categorizations for a booting status in a specific system.
As far as I know, there are 3 different ways of booting: Boot CD, Live CD, RAM Disk. And there are 2 possible mediums to boot from: CD, USB
If that's correct, we should have 3 columns. Inside each of them, 3 possible statuses. Thus, We have the following scenarios:

1. Booting from Boot CD iso
  • Works using CD
  • Works using USB
  • Failed
2. Booting from Live CD iso
  • Works using CD
  • Works using USB
  • Failed
3. Booting from RAM Disk
  • Works using CD (Not sure if it's possible)
  • Works using USB
  • Failed
I didn't include booting from HD after installation because I suppose it should work if it was installed successfully from Boot CD iso because the OS has already recognized the Internal HD during installation.
Is this correct? Do you think there are more statuses to add?
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